Called the ghost of the flats, the silvery bonefish is the holy grail of flats fishing. Its speed in the water & chameleon-like color make it the ultimate challenge to catch, & because of its elusiveness, much of the joy of bonefishing is in searching for the fish. Finding bonefish from a skiff & while wading are thoroughly covered, as is catch & release. Details on the bonefish’s environment & his food provide the essential background, & you’ll learn what tackle & flies to take & how to cast efficiently in the flats. 114 Color photos, 10 illus, 4 paintings; 8.5x11 inches, 208 pgs.
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“Fly-Fishing for Bonefish isn’t just the best bonefish book around; it’s also the best flats-fishing guide ever written.”
--Art Scheck
“The most complete work on bonefishing I have ever seen. Information on tackle, destinations, presentation skills, biology, ecology, fly selections, fish-fighting techniques, guides, and on and on. . . .”
--Sandy Moret
Chico Fernandez took his first bonefish on a fly rod in the late fifties and has been hooked on bonefish ever since. He lives in Miami and writes regularly for the saltwater magazines.